2. Inkplate Features

2.1. Inkplate Comparison

feature inkplate 10 Inkplate 6 inkplate 6Plus
Screen size 9.7” 6” 6”
Resolution 1200x825 800x600 758x1024
Pixels 990,000 480.000 776.192
All in one Yes Yes Yes
Low power Yes Yes Yes
Wi-Fi Yes Yes Yes
touchpads Yes Yes No
touchscreen No No Yes
MicroSd Yes Yes Yes
Grayscale Yes Yes Yes
Partial update Yes Yes Yes
Refresh time 1.61s 1.26s n/a
Refresh per px 1.62μs 2.63μs n/a

2.2. Inkplate 6

2.2.1. Front-Mounted Components:


2.2.2. Rear-Mounted Components:


2.2.3. Other Technical Specifications

Physical Interface: three capacitive touch pads, hardware power switch, one LED battery indicator and hardware reset button
Connectors: Micro USB, easyC, and GPIO
Wired Connectivity: USB, I²C, and SPI
USB to UART converter: CH340C
Storage: MicroSD card reader
Power Management: based on Texas Instruments (TI) TPS65186, MCP73831 lithium battery charger with a standard JST connector
Temperature Sensor: Internal TPS65186

2.3. Inkplate 6Plus

2.3.1. Front-Mounted Components:


2.3.2. Rear-Mounted Components:


2.3.3. Other Technical Specifications

Physical Interface: touchscreen, backlight, hardware power switch, one LED battery indicator and hardware reset button.
Connectors: Micro USB, easyC, and GPIO.
Wired Connectivity: USB, I²C, and SPI.
USB to UART converter: CH340C.
Storage: MicroSD card reader.
Power Management: based on Texas Instruments (TI) TPS65186, MCP73831 lithium battery charger with a standard JST connector.
Temperature Sensor: Internal TPS65186.

2.4. Inkplate 10

2.4.1. Front-Mounted Components:


2.4.2. Rear-Mounted Components:


2.4.3. Other Technical Specifications

Physical Interface: three capacitive touch pads, push button for power and additional user button, form factor that is optimized for custom enclosures.
Connectivity: a USB Type-C port for programming and power, plenty of additional GPIO pins and support for I²C, SPI, and easyC/Qwiic connectivity.
Integrated Wi-Fi and Bluetooth 4.0 (BLE) support thanks to the on-board ESP32 module.
USB to UART converter: CH340C
Storage: MicroSD card reader
Power Management: based on Texas Instruments (TI) TPS65186, MCP73831 lithium battery charger with a standard JST connector
Temperature Sensor: Internal TPS65186