3.1. Inkplate Peripheral Mode

Peripheral mode for Inkplate by e-radionica.com Peripheral mode is uploaded to each Inkplate. It enables you to use the board without reprogramming. You just need to send commands via UART and it will show contents on its screen. You can send commands via USB port or by directly connecting to ESP32 TX and RX pins.

Don’t forget you need to send #L(1)* after each command to show it on the display (equal to display.display()). Peripheral mode Arduino code for all inkplates can be found under examples/other if needed to be installed again.

Settings are: 115200 baud, standard parity, ending with \n\r

3.1.1. echo: #?*

Check if the Inkplate receives commands on UART
Response: OK

3.1.2. drawPixel: #0(XXX,YYY,CC)*

XXX - X coordinate (with leading zeros)
YYY - Y coordinate (with leading zeros)
CC - Color (with leading zeros)

3.1.3. drawLine: #1(XXX,YYY,III,JJJ,CC)*

XXX - Start x coordinate (with leading zeros)
YYY - Start y coordinate (with leading zeros)
III - End x coordinate (with leading zeros)
JJJ - End y coordinate (with leading zeros)
CC - Color (with leading zeros)

3.1.4. drawFastVLine: #2(XXX,YYY,LLL,CC)*

XXX - Start x coordinate (with leading zeros)
YYY - Start y coordinate (with leading zeros)
LLL - Length of line (with leading zeros)
CC - Solor (with leading zeros)

3.1.5. drawFastHLine: #3(XXX,YYY,LLL,CC)*

XXX - Start x coordinate (with leading zeros)
YYY - Start y coordinate (with leading zeros)
LLL - Length of line (with leading zeros)
CC - Color (with leading zeros)

3.1.6. drawRect: #4(XXX,YYY,WWW,HHH,CC)*

XXX - Start x coordinate (with leading zeros)
YYY - Start y coordinate (with leading zeros)
WWW - Width of rect. (with leading zeros)
HHH - Height of rect. (with leading zeros)
CC - Color (with leading zeros)

3.1.7. drawCircle: #5(XXX,YYY,RRR,CC)*

XXX - Start x coordinate (with leading zeros)
YYY - Start y coordinate (with leading zeros)
RRR - Radius of circle (with leading zeros)
CC - Color (with leading zeros)

3.1.8. drawTriangle: #6(XX1,YY1,XX2,YY2,XX3,YY3,CC)*

XX1 - X coordinate of first corner (with leading zeros)
YY1 - Y coordinate of first corner (with leading zeros)
XX2 - X coordinate of second corner (with leading zeros)
YY2 - Y coordinate of second corner (with leading zeros)
XX3 - X coordinate of third corner (with leading zeros)
YY3 - Y coordinate of third corner (with leading zeros)
CC - Color (with leading zeros)

3.1.9. drawRoudRect: #7(XXX,YYY,WWW,HHH,RRR,CC)*

XXX - Start x coordinate (with leading zeros)
YYY - Start y coordinate (with leading zeros)
WWW - Width of rect. (with leading zeros)
HHH - Height of rect. (with leading zeros)
RRR - Radius (with leading zeros)
CC - Color (with leading zeros)

3.1.10. fillRect: #8(XXX,YYY,WWW,HHH,CC)*

XXX - Start x coordinate (with leading zeros)
YYY - Start y coordinate (with leading zeros)
WWW - Width of rect. (with leading zeros)
HHH - Height of rect. (with leading zeros)
CC - Color (with leading zeros)

3.1.11. fillCircle: #9(XXX,YYY,RRR,CC)*

XXX - Start x coordinate (with leading zeros)
YYY - Start y coordinate (with leading zeros)
RRR - Radius of circle (with leading zeros)
CC - Color (with leading zeros)

3.1.12. fillTriangle: #A(XX1,YY1,XX2,YY2,XX3,YY3,CC)*

XX1 - X coordinate of first corner (with leading zeros)
YY1 - Y coordinate of first corner (with leading zeros)
XX2 - X coordinate of second corner (with leading zeros)
YY2 - Y coordinate of second corner (with leading zeros)
XX3 - X coordinate of third corner (with leading zeros)
YY3 - Y coordinate of third corner (with leading zeros)
CC - Color (with leading zeros)

3.1.13. fillRoudRect: #B(XXX,YYY,WWW,HHH,RRR,CC)*

XXX - Start x coordinate (with leading zeros)
YYY - Start y coordinate (with leading zeros)
WWW - Width of rect. (with leading zeros)
HHH - Height of rect. (with leading zeros)
RRR - Radius (with leading zeros)
CC - Color (with leading zeros)

3.1.15. setTextSize: #D(NN)*

NNN - Text scaling (with leading zeros)

3.1.16. setCursor: #E(XXX,YYY)*

XXX - X position of text cursor (with leading zeros)
YYY - Y position of text cursor (with leading zeros)

3.1.17. setTextWrap: #F(T/F)*

T - True if enable text wraping
F - False if disable text wraping
#F(T)* or #F(F)*

3.1.18. setRotation: #G(RRR)*

RRR - Sets rotation (0-3, where each increment rotates whole screen by 90 deg)

3.1.19. drawBitmap: #H(XXX,YYY,”PATH”)*

XXX - X position of bitmap on display
YYY - Y position of bitmap on display
PATH - path to bitmap image on SD card, where path should be sent as HEX Char (same as for print command). Example: /image1.bmp should be sent as 2f696d616765312e626d70
example: (2f696d616765312e626d70 means /image1.bmp)

| Response:
#H(1)* - Image loaded succesfully
#H(0)* - Image load failed
#H(-1)* - SD Card Init Error

3.1.20. setDisplayMode: #I(D)*

D - Display Mode (D = 3 -> 3 bit mode, D = 1 -> 1 bit mode)
#I(3)* or #I(1)*

3.1.21. getDisplayMode: #J(?)*

#J(1)* - 3 bit mode
#J(0)* - 1 bit mode

3.1.22. clearDisplay: #K(1)*

Clears display.

3.1.23. display: #L(1)*

Displays image buffer data to screen.

3.1.24. partialUpdate: #M(YY1, XX2, YY2)*

YY1 - Start Y position of part of the screen that will be updated
XX2 - End X position of part of the screen that will be updated
YY2 - End Y position of part of the screen that will be updated

3.1.25. readTemperature: #N(?)*

#N(23)* - 23 Celsius degrees

3.1.26. readTouchpad: #O(P)*

P - Name of pad that needs to be read (1, 2 or 3)
#O(1)* for high state of pad
#O(0)* for low state of pad

3.1.27. readBattery: #P(?)*

#P(3.65)* - Measured voltage on battery is 3.65VDC

3.1.28. panelSupply(einkOff/on):#Q(S)*

S - State of panel power supply (S = 1 -> panel has power supply, S = 0 -> panel power supply has benn turned off)

3.1.29. getPanelState: #R(?)*

#R(1)* - panel has power supply or #R(0)* - panel supply has been turned off

3.1.30. drawImage: #S(XXX,YYY,”PATH”)*

XXX - X position of bitmap on display
YYY - Y position of bitmap on display
PATH - path to bitmap image on SD card, where path should be sent as HEX Char (same as for print command). Example: /image1.bmp should be sent as 2f696d616765312e626d70
example: (2f696d616765312e626d70 means /image1.bmp)

| Response:

3.1.31. drawThickLine: #T(XXX,YYY,III,JJJ,TT,CC)*

XXX - Start x coordinate (with leading zeros)
YYY - Start y coordinate (with leading zeros)
III - End x coordinate (with leading zeros)
JJJ - End y coordinate (with leading zeros)
TT - Line thickness
CC - Color (with leading zeros)

3.1.32. drawElipse: #U(XXX,YYY,RRX,RRY,CC)*

XXX - Start x coordinate (with leading zeros)
YYY - Start y coordinate (with leading zeros)
RRX - X radius (with leading zeros)
RRY - Y radius (with leading zeros)
CC - Color (with leading zeros)

3.1.33. fillElipse: #V(XXX,YYY,RRX,RRY,CC)*

XXX - Start x coordinate (with leading zeros)
YYY - Start y coordinate (with leading zeros)
RRX - X radius (with leading zeros)
RRY - Y radius (with leading zeros)
CC - Color (with leading zeros)